"The Father and Son alone are to be exalted"
EGW Youths Instructor, July 7 1898, par. 2
The gods of Babylon The ancient city of Babylon was the birth place of a mystery religion which has survived to the present day and is deceiving the whole world. Will you be deceived into receiving "the mark of the beast"? Watch this presentation and arm yourself with the truth so that you will not be deceived! |
The False Doctrine of the Trinity Who does God reveal Himself to be in the Bible? How many divine beings are there in heaven? Is God three Persons in one as most Christians believe? Who or what is the Holy Spirit? This is the companion presentation to "The gods of Babylon". We recommend you watch that presentation first. |
Strange gods Christians are spiritual Israel, the spiritual descendants of Abraham. Could spiritual Israel today be repeating the history of literal ancient Israel? The one sin for which God continually rebuked literal Israel and which eventually resulted in their captivity and destruction was idolatry, the very thing that God commanded them never to do. Is it possible that spiritual Israel today have been deceived into committing the same sin? |
Who Died on Calvary? If asked who died on Calvary, most would say the Son of God. It is amazing then that although the vast majority of Adventists claim this, they do not actually believe it.
This study is taken from the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy and challenges you to honestly answer this vitally important question of - Who Died on Calvary? |
Who Is The Third Person? The Bible is clear, the Spirit of Prophecy is clear, but many are confused or misled. Our allegiance must not be to the doctrines of men or to any church. We need to lay aside preconceived ideas, lay aside tradition and look to the Word of God and follow His Word alone, for only there will we find the truth.
THEOS The Search for the One True God. A series of videos comprising a carefully documented history of the the doctrinal war of the Begotten Son that began in heaven and then came to Christianity, presenting the biblical basis for belief in the true Son of God and the scriptural evidence for His essential divinity.
The Sanctuary The old testament Sanctuary is a detailed picture of the plan of salvation for all of humanity, specifically it shows how God deals with the problem of sin in mankind, and it reveals how we are to come to God to receive forgiveness and cleansing from sin. But how many beings do we find within the Sanctuary walls...two or three?
Have You Met The God We Worship? Here we see the history of the trinity as it made its way into the SDA Church.